

Today, on 12 May 2010, the Board of Directors of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. has been informed that the Company’s bid in the unlimited tender for the construction of the Innovations and Advanced Technologies Centre of the University of Technology in Lublin has been selected as the most advantageous one by the receiving party, i.e. the University of Technology in Lublin. Net contract value: 59,812,439.20 PLN (fifty-nine million, eight hundred twelve thousand, four hundred thirty-nine and 20/100) Gross contract value: 72…
Yesterday, i.e. on 10 May 2010, Polimex-Mostostal concluded a contract with the Małopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (Lesser Poland Local Development Agency JSC) for the construction of a complex of four manufacturing and service buildings with a  business and social facilities and the development of internal transport network at the MARR Business Park at ul. Nad Drwiną 10 in Cracow. Net contract value: 24,775,235.63 PLN (twenty-four million, seven hundred seventy-five thousand, two hundred thirty-five and…
A bid worth over 788 million zlotys submitted by a consortium with the participation of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. in the tender for the construction of S-69 xpressway Bielsko-Biała – Żywiec – Zwardoń, section “Mikuszowice” (“Żywiecka/Bystrzańska”) – Żywiec junction was deemed the most advantageous one. Today, i.e. on 30th April 2010, Polimex-ostostal became aware that the bid submitted by the Consortium with the participation of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. for the construction of S-69 expressway Bielsko Biała – Żywiec –…
Yesterday, i.e. on 19 April 2010, Polimex-Mostostal and Park Wodny in Ruda Śląska Sp. z o.o. concluded a contract for the construction and development of a detailed design documentation for the Aqua Park – Sports and Recreation Swimming Centre – in the Kłodnica River Valley, Ruda Śląska. The Contract is to be executed by a consortium of the following companies: Polimex – Mostostal S.A. – Consortium leader, ‘MASTER’ Emil Borys sp. jawna – partner. Polimex-Mostostal participation in the consortium amounts to 91.7…
Yesterday, i.e. on 18 March 2010, Polimex-Mostostal concluded a turnkey contract with the Dutch Botlek Tank Terminal B.V. for the construction of a terminal tank of the capacity of 185,000 cu.m. to store mineral oils, vegetable oils and liquid fuels at the port of Rotterdam. As the Investment General Contractor, Polimex-Mostostal is responsible for the execution of the entire scope of works, including: design documentation, construction works, prefabrication and installation of tanks and pipelines, delivery and…
Today, on 12 March 2010, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. Stockholders concluded its session. The session aimed at adopting resolutions related to the process of approving the restructurisation of the Group. According to the plan which the Management Board presented to the Stockholders, Polimex-Mostostal is going to merge with the following subsidiary companies operating in the area of power and chemical industries: Energomontaż-Północ S.A. Naftobudowa S.A. Naftoremont sp. z o.o. ZRE…
Positively ended Q4 of 2009 Polimex-Mostostal ended Q4 of 2009 with results which distinguish it in comparison with other entities from the sector. The Company increased its production capacity, started and has been successfully carrying out a wide-scale restructuring process and invested in the acquisition of some of Gdynia Shipyard assets. Results achieved in Q4 of 2009 are satisfactory. In Q4 of 2009: sales revenues amounted to 1 540 790 thousand PLN and were by 26.5 % higher than the value of sales achieved in…
On 12 January, Polimex-Mostostal signed a contract with Hitachi Power Europe GmbH. The contract includes installation and welding of pressure pipelines for a 1,000 MW power boiler at the KW Wilhelmshaven power plant in Germany. The Contract will be executed by a consortium of the following companies: Polimex-Mostostal S.A. – Consortium leader, Energomontaż-Północ S.A. – partner. The value of the contract amounts to 3.9 million EUR net (three million nine hundred thousand EUR). The contract will have been executed…
Polimex-Mostostal has successfully terminated the negotiations with potential investors interested in the purchase of ‘Warszawa’ hotel. The sale transaction took place on 31 December 2009. In the same time, Polimer-Mostostal has signed an agreement on general construction works within the object with the purchaser, for the gross value of over 90 million PLN, with a possibility to expand the works and increase the contract value after the performance documentation has been prepared. The commencement of the…
Today, i.e. on 29.12.2009, Polimex-Mostostal SA signed a contract with the Południowy Koncern Energetyczny SA for the construction of a heat unit. As part of the contract concluded, Polimex-Mostostal will construct at the premises of the Bielsko-Biała EC1 Heat and Power Generating Plant a coalfuelled heat unit fuelled inclusive of the infrastructure, comprising a fluidised boiler of the output of 219 t/h and a bleeding and heating turbine set of the power of approx. 51 MWe inclusive of a heat generating unit of…