About the company

"ENERGOMONTAŻ-PÓŁNOC-BEŁCHATÓW" S.A. belongs to a group of a building and assembly companies which specializes in designing, manufacturing and installation of steel construction's elements, technical equipment and a complex building of industrial facilities.
Until 1992 our company had been a part of ENERGOMOTAŻ-PÓŁNOC WARSZAWA under the name of Wielki Zespół Budów Belchatów. In the same year ENERGOMOTAŻ-PÓŁNOC BEŁCHATÓW Spółka z o.o. was established.
The company employs over 200 employees. Experienced managers and administration staff as well as trained and qualified workforce can guarantee that even the most complicated projects are executed and meet the highest standards.
National and international companies are recipient of our products and services. We have specialized in a complex building of facilities and installation of complicated technologies. We also equip and plan technological start-up. Our company has the experience in manufacturing of steel construction's elements, technical tanks/reservoirs, absorbers, pipelines and other technical equipment.
We have a manufacturing potential which allows us to carry out any investment project.
Our range of operation is mainly concentrated on:
- General workmanship
- Production
- Assembly
- Maintenance and modernization
Our employees have number of professional certificates. The key group of the company's staff are welders. They possess certificates in accordance to EN-287-1 for methods 111,141,141/111,135(136) and 121 to welding materials of the group 1-11.
For the said methods we possess the GSI SLV certificate according to a quality standard DIN 18800-7, which allows us to carry out welding projects for foreign contractors.
To satisfy the needs of our customers we have introduced the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 and BHP PN 18001(stands for Health and Safety regulations in Poland) which is also integrated with Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 .
We also have certificates of Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (stands for Technical Inspection Office) for manufacturing, installation, repairing and modernization of steam and water boilers, pressure vessels and non-pressure tanks, pipelines and pressure equipment. These certificates entitle our company to manufacturing, assembly and maintenance of gantries, cranes, access platforms, hoists and travelling cranes.