General workmanship

General workmanship mainly includes accomplishment of industrial and electrical facilities' building. Famous, national and international companies are our business partners in projects execution. In Poland, the most significant projects we participated in were as follows:
- modernization of power units no. 1-6 in The Turów Power Station for The Alstom Power Group. Erection of six brand new and modernization of four old desulfurization systems for The Bełchatów Power Plant. In terms of the said job we were closely cooperating with Fabryka Kotłów Rafako S.A. (stands for The Rafako Boilers Manufacturer Plc.)
Our international partners are: Austrian Energy, Babcok, Foster Wheller, Alstom
The most important projects carried out by Energomontaż-Północ Bełchatów are:
- The Chabielice Pumping Plant and water pipeline for The Bełchatów Power Plant.
- Production capacity's improvement for boiler’s water circulation in The Bełchatów Power Plant.
- Modernization of Waste-Water Systems for The Gdańsk Heat and Power Station and The Białystok Heat and Power Station.
- Installation of desulfurization systems in The "Ostrołęka B" PowerStation.
- Modernization of power boilers for The Kongregacja S.A. Wrocław's Heat and Power Stations.
General workmanship in terms of industrial facilities' building includes both erection and equipping of industrial and production halls.
Some of which includes:
- Polfa Pabianice Multifunctional Pharmaceutical Warehouse.
- Knauf Bauprodukte in Biłgoraj and Jaworzno.
- Alpol Gips( Gypsum Producer) in Końskie.
- Installment of production line for gypsum components for AREL GIPS (presently CEDAT).
- Arix Kleszczów- polyurethane foam producer.