
In connection with the process of restructuring and the overall financial standing of the Company and Polimex Mostostal Capital Group, as reflected in the financial results for the years 2016-2017, in the coming years the Management Board of the Company will recommend that in case the Company generates positive financial net results, the funds should be allocated for the reduction of the Company’s debt and for the development of its core business. In addition, pursuant to the Agreement on the Management of Financial Debt of 21 December 2012 concluded between the Company and (i) the following banks: Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., PKO BP S.A., Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A., and (ii) the bondholders with claims on the bonds issued by the Company in the years 2007-2009, including the balance sheet credit claims of the banks and the bondholders as at 31 December 2017 in the total amount of PLN 186 million (the ”ZOZF Agreement”), and (iii) the Terms of Issuance of Series A and B Convertible Bonds of 12 September 2014 with the total nominal value of PLN 140 million, and the Terms of Issuance of Series C Convertible Bonds of 27 September 2017 with the nominal value of PLN 14.5 million, with the amendment annexes thereto (the “Agreement on the Management of Financial Debt”), the Company has undertaken not to pay any dividends or advance dividends, not to make any other payments to be distributed among its Shareholders and not to engage in depreciation or reduction of the whole or any part of its share capital, including the withdrawal of own funds without the prior consent of the creditors. In view of the above, the Company does not foresee any dividend payments in the next several financial years.
The dividend policy will be subject to periodic reviews by the Management Board.
President of the Management Board of Polimex Mostostal S.A.
Krzysztof Figat