

Today, i.e. on 22.12.2009, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. signed with the Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad (General Diractorate for National Roads and Motorways), Branch Office Krakow, a contract for the construction of the A4 motorway along the section from the Szarów junction to the Brzesko junction (455+900 km – 479+000 km). The Contract will be executed by a consortium of the following companies: Polimex Mostostal S.A. - Consortium leader, Doprastav a. s., Bratislava – consortium partner, Metrostav a.s.,…
Today, on 15.12.2009, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. signed a contract with the Agencja Rozwoju Miasta Siedlce Sp. z o.o. on the execution of the first stage of construction of the Regional Sports, Recreation, Rehabilitation and Tourism Centre in Siedlce. The contract is performed by a Consortium composed of: a) Polimex-Mostostal S.A. – the leader b) PAGRO sp. z o.o., based in Cracow – the partner. Net value of the contract: 23,471,540.26 PLN (twenty-three million four hundred seventy-one thousand five hundred forty point…
Today, i.e. on 9 December 2009, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. and the Management Board of the Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation of Krakow concluded a contract for the realisation of extension of Surzyckiego -Christo Botewa Streets and construction of Śliwiaka Street in Krakow. Contract net value: 65,452,980.93 PLN (in words: sixty-five million, four hundred fifty-two thousand, nine hundred eighty point nine three PLN). Contract gross value: 79,852,636.73 PLN – (in words: seventy-nine million, eight hundred…
Today, on 30.11.2009, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. signed a contract with the Lubelski Węgiel ‘Bogdanka’ S.A. for the ‘Construction of a winning haulage system from pit shaft 2.1 at Stefanów Field to the Coal Mechanical Processing Plant at Bogdanka Field of the Lubelski Węgiel ‘Bogdanka’ S.A. The scope of works covers development of detailed designs, construction of structures, delivery of machinery and equipment, installation at the site, launching and commissioning of the machinery and equipment, and obtainment of a…
Energomontaż Północ S.A., owned by the Polimex-Mostostal S.A. Group, purchased yesterday, on 26 November, part of the assets of the Gdynia Shipyard –the so-called Complex no. 4 comprising, among other things, a graving dock and access to the wharf – for over 33 million PLN. The area has been provided with an overhead travelling crane and cranes. Polimex-Mostostal, which in Q1 2010 incorporates EnergomontaŜ Północ into its structure as a result of a dynamically realised process of the Group reorganisation, will…
The bid made by Polimex-Mostostal in the tender procedure for the construction of the ‘Regional Centre for Sports, Recreation, Rehabilitation and Tourism in Siedlce (stage I)’ has been considered by the Ordering Party –Agencja Rozwoju Miasta Siedlce Sp. z o.o. (the Siedlce City Development Agency) – to be the most advantageous. The bid was made by a consortium comprising: Polimex-Mostostal S.A. – Consortium Leader PAGRO sp. z o.o., Kraków – Partner The gross bid value amounts to: 28,635,279.12 PLN (twenty-eight…
Polimex-Mostostal is conducting system activities aimed at reducing costs and, on the other hand, planning further development. Within the Group, a very expedite and extensive reorganisation is being realised that concerns: Energomontaż Północ S.A., Naftobudowa S.A., Naftoremont Sp. z o.o., ZRE Kraków Sp. z o.o., ZRE Lublin S.A., EPE Rybnik Sp. z o.o. and ECE Remont Sp. z o.o. Today, on 24 November 2009, there has been a Companies Merger Plan signed that provides for, among other things, the merger manner, company…
Summary of three quarters of 2009. Following three quarters of 2009, consolidated income from sale amounted to 3,311.9 million PLN and increased as compared to the analogical period of last year by 7.44%. Net income in the compared period increased by 15.13% and amounted to 105.9 million PLN. Operating income amounted to 190.8 million PLN and was 10.44% higher than in the analogical period of 2008. Gross margin of profit from sale amounted to 11.1% as compared to 10.5% following three quarters of 2008. Net margin…
The project covered by the program for extension of production capacities adopted already by the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal in 2008 for both the Company and the entire Group has just been completed.  Production in the new plant – Steel Product Manufacturing and Paint Shop – was launched on 5th November this year. Erection of the new unit was started in September 2008. The investment was set up within organization structures of the Special Economic Zone of Tarnobrzeg and its overall value was about PLN…
On 6 November 2009 in Częstochowa, in a region of an operational galvanising plant, a modern road barrier production line has been launched. Due to this investment, Polimex-Mostostal has become one of the largest suppliers of road barriers in the country. The production line is characterised by high output and a fully automatic production cycle. - Within 24 hours, we can manufacture 5,600 protective barriers or 10,000 posts and 1,800 profile (stretching) belts. Due to high productive capacities, we are able to…