Signing of Annexes to the agreements with Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.
The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego15/17, with reference to the current report 59/2010 dated 2 July 2010 informs that on 5 July 2011 it received the following Annexes signed by Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.:
1) Annex No. 3 to the Agreement setting a commitment limit for the revolving line for ranting the bank guarantee of PLN 90,000,000.00 (in words: ninety million zlotys),
2) Annex No. 9 to the Agreement for overdraft of PLN 30,000,000.00 (in words: thirty million zlotys).
Final date to use the guarantee line - 30 June 2012.
Final date to use the line of credit - 3 July 2012.
Collaterals for the guarantee line and the credit agreement, the fees for issued guarantees, and the credit interest rate have been defined on arm’s length basis.
The value of the Issuer's equity capital has been assumed to be the criterion for considering the Contract to be material.