Selection of the bid placed by the Consortium with the participation of a subsidiary company

Current report no. 71/2012

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego 15/17, with reference to the current report nr 58/2012 of 6 August 2012, informs that today it obtained from the subsidiary company operating under the name TORPOL S.A. information on the tender for the reconstruction of a track system together with the related infrastructure of the E59 line, the Czempiń - Poznań section.

Torpol S.A. has informed that PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. [Polish State Railways] (the Ordering Party), as a result of a judicial decision of the National Chamber of Appeal ordering the invalidation of the selection of most advantageous bid and carrying out another bid examination and evaluation procedure, has changed their choice of the most advantageous bid. There are certain legal remedies against the decision of the Ordering Party. Torpol S.A. intends to appeal against the abovementioned decision.