Selection of the bid of the Issuer’s subsidiary company

Current report no. 208/2014

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Młynarska 42 (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) informs that today it obtained the information that the bid of the Issuer’s subsidiary company - Polimex Energetyka Sp. z o.o. (“”) has been selected as the most favourable in the proceedings for the contract awarded by EDF Polska S.A. for: “Carrying out capital works on capitalised boilers no. K-4, K-6 in EDF Polska Rybnik Division and the correponding: fire burner installations, PF ducts, air channels, air fans, gas fans and slag traps” (“the Agreement”). The bid complies with the requirements set out in the Terms of Reference and it achieved 100 points, i.e. the highest number of points in the course of the proceedings.

The Contractor’s remuneration amounts to 18 550 000.00 net value.


The works provided for in the Agreement shall begin this year and their completion is planned for 3 July 2015.