Registering some of the additional securities on receivables resulting from the Issuer’s bonds

Current report no. 41/2015

With reference to current report no. 155/2014 dated 16.10.2014, The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Młynarska 42 („Company”) hereby informs that today it has obtained the information that the following additional security had been registered on receivables resulting from the Issuer's series A convertible bearer bonds of the total nominal value of PLN 81,500,000 and series B ordinary bearer bonds of the total nominal value of 58,500,000, issued on 1 October 2014 (“Additional securities on bonds”):


1) mortgage on the Issuer’s real estate established to the benefit of Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. ("the Pledgee"). The mortgage applies to real estate located in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski under the Land and Mortgage Register number GL1Y/00132126/5. The value of the security amounts to PLN 210,000,000. The abovemention mortgage was registered on the basis of the decision of the District Court in Rybnik, VII Division of Land and Mortgage Register.


There are no links between the Company, its Managers or Supervisors and the Pledgee, its Managers or Supervisors.