Receipt of a demand for payment under guarantees

Current report no. 104/2013

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. (”Company”) hereby informs that on 25 July 2013 it was notified by e-mail from RBS Bank (Polska) S.A. (”Bank Polska”) of receipt by Bank Polska from RBS Bank (Romania) S.A. (”Bank Romania”) of a demand for payment of a total amount of RON 5,813,609.99 under guarantees issued by Bank Polska in favour of Bank Romania. Re-guarantees issued upon the order of the Company by Bank Polska secured performance bonds issued by Bank Romania for the purposes of the contract pertaining to designing and constructing a multi-functions sports arena in the city of Bacau, Romania, entered into between a consortium of companies comprising the Company and Municipiul Bacau (”Guarantee Beneficiary”).

In the opinion of the Company, the Guarantee Beneficiary has been abusing its rights under the issued unconditional performance bonds. Should undertaken mediations not result in abandonment or a significant reduction of the claim, legal proceedings with respect to the matter shall be undertaken in accordance with the terms of the contract binding the consortium of companies comprising the Company and the Guarantee Beneficiary.