Payment under guarantee

Current report no. 183/2014

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Młynarska 42 ("the Company") hereby informs that on 12 November 2014 it was notified via e-mail by Bank Pekao S.A. ("the Guarantor") that on 12 November 2014 made the payment of a total value of PLN 4,002,363.82 under bank guarantee no. 071498/W with regard to the project Wielicka - Szarów, issued by the Guarantor to Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad (the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways). On the basis of the agreement no. 2007/139/DB3 establishing terms and conditions of providing the bank guarantee by the Guarantor, the outstanding amount of the claim amounts to 40% of the paid demand, i.e. PLN 1,600,945.53 ("the Recourse").


At the same time, the Guarantor informed that pursuant to the provision of the Agreement on the principles of managing the financial debt dated 21 December 2012, as amended, the Guarantor shall allow for repayment of the Recourse in 12 equal monthly installments, payable from December 2014.