Notification of a disclosure of assets

Current report no. 80/2015

On 1 June 2015, the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (‘the Company’) obtained a notification from PKO Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (‘PKO TFI’), acting pursuant to Article 69 sec. 1, Article 69a sec. 1 item 2) and Article 87 sec. 1 item 2 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions of organised trade in financial instruments, and on public companies (‘the Act’), managing NEPTUN - a closed-end investment fund of non-public assets (‘NEPTUN-fizan’), informing of exceeding the threshold of 5% votes within the total number of votes of the Company in relation to the contribution of shares of the Company and of Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. as payment for investment certificates (non-cash contribution) of 29 June 2015.


Prior to the change of assets the number of shares  amounted to 0, constituted 0% of the Company’s business capital and entitled in total to 0 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constituted 0% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.


Following the change of assets, the number of the shares held amounts to 426,072,924, which constitutes 9.838% of the Company’s business capital and entitles in total to 426,072,924 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constitute 9.838% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company, inclusive of:

(i) NEPTUN - fizan holding 400,000,000 shares , which constitute 9.236% of the Company’s business capital and entitle in total to 400,000,000 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constitute 9.236% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company;

(ii) Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. holding 26,072,924 shares, which constitute 0.602% of the Company’s business capital and entitle in total to 26,072,924 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constitute 0.602% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company;

Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw is the subsidiary entity of the shareholder, giving the notification and holding the Company’s shares,

There are no third parties with whom an agreement on a transfer of the right to vote has been concluded


Furthermore, acting pursuant to Article 69 sec. 1, art 69a sec. 1 item 2) and Article 87 sec. 1. item 2 of the Act, investment funds managed by PKO TFI informed of exceeding the threshold of 10% of the total number of votes in the Company in relation to the contribution made of shares of the Company and of Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. as payment for investment certificates (non-cash contribution) of 29 June 2015.


Prior to the change to the ownership structure, the number of the Company’s shares held amounted to 17,522,121, which constituted 0.405% of the Company’s share capital and entitled in total to 17,522,121 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constituted 0.405% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.


Following the change to the ownership structure, the number of the Company’s shares held amounted to 443,778,096, which constituted 10.247% of the Company’s share capital and entitled in total to 443,778,096 votes at the General Meeting of the Company, which constituted 10.247% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.


Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw is the subsidiary entity of the shareholder, giving the notification and holding the Company’s shares,

In the forthcoming 12 months, both an increase and a decrease of the share in the total number of the Company’s votes is possible.


There are no persons referred to in the Article 87 sec. 1 item 3 letter c) of the Act.