Establishing of the selling price of series A shares of Torpol S.A. and making a decision about offering on sale all the Torpol S.A. shares owned by the Company at the initial public offering

Current report no. 83/2014

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. ("Company") informs that with reference to the initial public offering of the shares of Torpol S.A. ("Torpol") ("Public Offering") and on the basis of the recommendations from Dom Maklerski BZ WBK S.A. and the offering PKO BP S.A. Oddział Dom Maklerski PKO BP w Warszawie made upon the analysis of the results of the book-building process carried out among selected Institutional Investors, on 25 June 2014 it adopted a resolution establishing the selling price of series A shares of Torpol S.A. offered by the Company on sale at the initial public offering for PLN 8.00 for each series A share.

In addition, the Management Board of the Company decided to offer on sale at the public offering all 15,570,000 series A shares of Torpol S.A. owned by the Company.

At the same time, the Company informs that the established selling price of the shares owned by the Company equals the price of newly-issued shares set by Torpol.