Disposal of a part of the organized company

Current report no. 56/2013

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego 15/17 informs that on 26 April 2013 Ocynkownia Śląsk Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Chrzanów (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Buyer’) has concluded with the Issuer a preliminary contract for selling the organized part of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. i.e. Zakład Zabezpieczeń Antykorozyjnych Częstochowa Branch in Częstochowa („Zakład”).

Zakład's line of business is hot-dip galvanization of steel structure.

Sale price of Zakład amounts to PLN 44,000,00 (PLN forty four million) and shall be increased by the overstock value of Zakład, which on the day of conclusion of the preliminary contract is initially estimated at PLN 6,000,000 (PLN six million).


Conclusion of promised sale contract of Zakład shall occur no later than 29 July 2013 and is subject to fulfilment of conditions precedent, namely:

- payment by the Buyer prior to the day of conclusion of promised sale contract of the purchase price (reduced by the amount of the advance payment paid on the escrow account when concluding the preliminary contract) on the escrow account;

- submission to the Buyer: (i) of declaration with respect to striking the mortgage encumbering the real estate constituting the subject of the sale or removing the mortgage from the land and mortgage register and (ii) declaration on releasing by the Issuer’s creditors of the lien on the Issuer’s company (to the extent that it encumbers the elements of Zakład) or removing the lien from the register or occurring of the circumstances, when the lien on the day of transferring of Zakład to the Buyer shall not be established;

- obtaining agreed by the Parties certificates of tax office and Polish Social Insurance.