Discontinuation of bankruptcy proceedings

Current report no. 1/2015

With reference to current report no. 162/2014 dated 24 October 2014, current report no. 197/2014 dated 4 December 2014 and current report no. 219/2014 dated 22 December 2014, the Management Board of “Polimex-Mostostal” S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Młynarska 42, 01-171 Warsaw ("the Company”, “the Debtor”,

the Issuer”) informs that today the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, X Commercial Division for Bankruptcy and Reorganization, issued a decision on discontinuance of bankruptcy proceedings comprising liquidation of assets together with the petition to secure the Debtor’s assets in the form of establishing temporary judicial supervision as well as revoked the decision dated 2 December 2014 on establishing a security by prohibiting disposal and encumbrance of real estate and shares owned by the Debtor.