Creditors’ consent to postpone the deadline for performance of certain obligations

Current report no. 106/2014

With reference to the current report no. 98/2014 dated 18 July 2014 with regard to consent granted to the Company to postpone the deadline for the performance of certain obligations stated in the Agreement dated 21 December 2012 concluded by Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) with the banks and bondholders (“Creditors”) specifying terms and conditions of financing the Company by the Creditors (“Agreement”), The Management Board of the Company informs that on 29 July 2014 it obtained the information on the all Creditors’ consent for postponing the deadline of (i) interest on credits covered by the Agreement, (ii) interest on receivables of bondholders covered by the Agreement and (iii) recourse claims due to the guarantees issued by the banks being a party to the Agreement. The Company was obligated by the Creditors to fulfill the aforementioned obligations by the date of signing the annex to the Agreement, referred to in the current report of the Company no. 74/2014 dated 23 June 2014, but not later than by 30 July 2014. The Creditors’ consent for postponing the deadline for making payments by the Company for the Creditors also comprises the obligations of the Company arising from the abovementioned issues, the payment of which was due 28 July 2014.

The abovementioned Creditors' consent was granted save for condition subsequent, i.e. absence of timely payment by the Company to the Creditors of the commission on bank guarantees issued by the Creditors.