Conclusion of a subcontracting agreement

Current report no. 5/2015

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Młynarska 42, 01-171 Warsaw (“the Company”) informs that today it obtained the information on  the conclusion of a subcontracting agreement with Naftoremont

- Naftobudowa Spółka z o.o. (“the Subconctractor”, “the Segment Company”). The subject matter of the agreement is the air exchange at the Głogów Smelter as part of the contract:“Programme for Modernisation of Pyrometallurgy as part of the process line of Głogów I Smelter” (“the Contract”) concluded with KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The total net value of the agreement amounts to 1,921,000.00 PLN.The agreement realisation period: end of I phase 19 January 2015, end of II phase 19 April 2016.


The conclusion of the agreement constitutes performance of the Company's liability agreed upon with bondholders in the documentation of series A and series B bonds, about the issuance of which the Company informed in the current report no. 152/2014 dated 2 October 2014, regarding subcontracting the Segment Company for the execution of the Contract.