Signing an annex to the agreement on documentary letters of credit line and annex to the agreement on bank guarantee line with Bank Millenium S.A.

Current report no. 33/2012

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego 15/17 informs that on 18 May 2012 it received, as signed by Bank Millenium S.A., annexes:

- No. 2 to the agreement on documentary letters of credit line,

- No. 13 to the agreement on bank guarantee line.

Within the scope of the aforementioned agreements on bank guarantee line, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. will issue bank guarantees up to the amount of PLN 162,000,000.00 (previously up to the amount of PLN 163,200,000.00). The last day of the period for using the limit, i.e. 30 August 2012, has not been changed.

The agreement on documentary letters of credit line with the limit of PLN 10,000,000.00 has been closed.

The amount, for which the limit has been decreased in the part concerning making documentary letters of credit and guarantees available, has been reallocated within the Capital Group of Polimex-Mostostal in order to make the limit for the aforementioned instruments available to subsidiaries.

Securities of the aforementioned agreements and the amount of commission and charges have been agreed upon on market terms.

The value of the Issuer's equity capital has been assumed to be the criterion for considering the Contract to be material.