concluding a material contract

Current report no. 11/2013

The Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego 15/17 hereby informs that on 31 January 2013 its Subsidiary Company TORPOL S.A. signed an annex to the contract regarding a working overdraft facility appropriated to the funding of the investment of: ‘Improvement of the quality of transportation services by means of improving technical condition of railway line no. 143 along the section Kalety-Kluczbork.


Lender: Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw.

Borrower: TORPOL S.A. with its registered office in Poznan.

Terms and conditions of the Contract:

- the amount of funding following annexation: PLN 12,000,000.00;

- period of funding: until 10.10.2014.


The value of the Issuer's equity capital has been assumed to be the criterion for considering the Contract to be material.



During the last 12 months TORPOL S.A. and BOŚ S.A. concluded 3 contracts total value of which amounts to PLN 24,000,000.00. The most significant of the said contracts has been presented hereinabove.