Signing with PKO BP SA bank of a Guarantee Agreement for the subsidiary company Polimex Projekt Opole Sp. z o.o.

Current report no. 10/2014

With reference to the current report no. 9/2014 dated 23.01.2014, the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Czackiego 15/17 (the “Company”) informs that on 23 January 2014 it concluded with PKO BP S.A. bank (“Bank”) an agreement on issuing a guarantee for the subsidiary company Polimex Projekt Opole Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw (“Polimex Projekt Opole”) up to the maximum amount of PLN 597,484,800.00 with the security period until 31.03.2024 which constitutes a collateral to the Agreement concluded by Polimex Projekt Opole on 23.01.2014 on Issuing a Bank Guarantees to the contract for construction of power units No. 5 and No. 6 in PGE Elektrownia Opole S.A. dated 15 February 2012, as a part of which the Bank is obliged to issue the guarantees: performance bond guarantee at the amount of PLN 199,161,600.00 PLN valid until 30.08.2018 and advance payment guarantee at the amount of PLN 199,161,600.00 valid until 15.05.2019.

The amount of commission has been agreed upon on market terms.

This information has been deemed significant due to the fact that it regards the agreement the value of which exceeds 10% revenues from sale of Capital Group of the Company for the period of last four working quarters.