Summons to a conciliation hearing

Current report no. 18/2016

Legal basis: Article 56 (1) (2) of the Act on public offering – current and periodical information

The Management Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA having its registered address in Warsaw at ul. Jana Pawła II 12 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby informs that today the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XV Commercial Division, served a copy of a petition for the issuance of summons to a conciliation hearing in the payment related action brought by Doprastav S.A. Branch Office in Poland (hereinafter referred to as ‘Doprastav’) on 30 December 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Petition’). The date of the Court session regarding the foregoing conciliation hearing was set on 14 September 2016. Doprastav, as a member of the Company’s consortium of companies on the construction of the S 69 Bielsko-Biała – Żywiec - Zwardoń expressway, section from the Mikuszowice junction, construction of the A1 motorway, the Stryków – Tuszyn junction section, and construction of the A4 motorway, the Szarów – Brzesko junction section, petitioned for the issuance of summons to a conciliation hearing with a view to settlement involving payment by the Company of the amount of PLN 105,936,785.99 to Doprastav as payment of costs, inclusive of statutory interest, resulting from performance of the contract for the construction of the S 69 Bielsko-Biała – Żywiec – Zwardoń expressway, the Mikuszowice junction section, construction of the A1 motorway, the Stryków – Tuszyn junction section, and construction of the A4 motorway, the Szarów – Brzesko junction section.

The Company contests the claim as a whole.

Legal basis: § 5 (1) (8) of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finances dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities and terms of deeming information required by the regulations of a non-Member State equivalent (Dz. U. [Dziennik Ustaw, Journal of Laws] of 2014, item 133, as amended).