

Pracownia Wodno-Chemiczna ‘EKONOMIA’ specialises in rendering services with respect to water and industrial sewage treatment, including, among others: expertise, technical and economical analyses with respect to modernisation or construction of new systems, designing new and modernising existing water and sewage treatment plants, designing sanitary systems: water supply and sewage systems, ventilation and gas supply systems (including internal networks and systems), developing environmental impact reports and…
Today, that is on 29 January 2009, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. has signed with Kraków Municipality, Municipal Infrastructure and Transport Board in Kraków a contract for over 118 million PLN net regarding reconstruction of city stadium of Wisła Kraków. Within the contract Polimex-Mostostal will build the eastern stand of the stadium together with the corners, tear down the existing western stand and construct the diaphragm wall by the western stand. The scope of works within the contract will end by December 2009. Net…
Consortium of companies comprising: 'PKP Energetyka' Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Warsaw (Consortium Leader), TORPOL sp. z o.o. having its seat in Poznań (a 100% subsidiary company of Polimex-Mostostal), Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Warsaw, FEROCO S.A. having its seat in Poznań, Bombardier Transportation (ZWUS) Polska Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Katowice, Pomorskie Przedsiębiorstwo Mechaniczno – Torowe Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Gdańsk, has signed today, that is on 9…
EceRemont sp. z o.o. derived from the structures of Elektrociepłownia Zielona Góra S.A. in 1995 as a result of restructuring activities. Subject matter of the activity conducted by the purchased part of EceRemont includes repairs and maintenance as well as installations of power equipment and manufacturing equipment for power engineering, among others air, water and steam heaters, thermal centres, chimneys and steel towers. The average employment within the purchased part of EceRemont in the recent period amounted…
Today, that is on 29 December 2008, the Polimex-Mostostal group of companies has signed with the City of Gorzów Wielkopolski a contract for 130,407,600 PLN gross regarding construction in Gorzów Wielkopolski of an Arts Education Centre as well as design and construction of an underground car park and access roads. The contract will be executed by a Consortium consisting of: Polimex-Mostostal – Consortium Leader, Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe ‘EBUD’ Przemysłówka Sp. z o.o. of Bydgoszcz – Consortium Partner. Gross…
Today, that is on 23 December 2008, Polimex-Mostostal has received information that the bid made by the Polimex-Mostostal group of companies regarding construction of an A-1 expressway section from the ‘Sośnica’ junction to the ‘Maciejów’ junction as part of the assignment regarding:  ‘Construction of the ‘Sośnica’ junction at the crossing of the A-1 and A-4 expressways inclusive of the ‘Sośnica – Maciejów’ A-1 expressway section (inclusive of the junction)’ has been found by the Contracting Party – Generalna…
Polimex-Mostostal S.A. has concluded today, that is on 22.12.2008, a conditional contract of purchase for 6,172,985.70 PLN (in words: six million one hundred and seventy-two thousand nine hundred and eighty-five PLN and 70/100) of 47.35 % of shares in the Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych ‘PRInż1’ Sp. z o.o. of the total nominal value of 6,659,100.00 PLN (in words: six million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred PLN) from Afta Sp z o.o. - an indirect, 100% subsidiary company of Polimex-Mostostal.…
On 8th December 2008 the Consortium of companies composed of Polimex-Mostostal S.A., Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Kraków Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Cracow (a subsidiary company of the Issuer in 97.56%) and Przedsiębiorstwo Modernizacji Urządzeń Energetycznych Remak S.A. with its registered office in Opole received a written order for the implementation of an agreement for “The execution of assembly work of the pressure part of two 800- MW power units in Hamm-Uentrop.” The fact whether the agreement…
The offer made by the Consortium featuring: 'PKP Energetyka' Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Warsaw (Consortium Leader), TORPOL sp. z o.o. having its seat in Poznań (a 100% subsidiary company of Polimex-Mostostal), Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Warsaw, FEROCO S.A. having its seat in Poznań, Bombardier Transportation (ZWUS) Polska Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Katowice, Pomorskie Przedsiębiorstwo Mechaniczno – Torowe Sp. z o.o. having its seat in Gdańsk, in the tender regarding…
Today, that is on 12 November 2008, Polimex-Mostostal S.A. signed a contract for nearly 374,100 thousand zlotys net for the reconstruction of the Legia football stadium in Warsaw. The subject matter of the contract is the reconstruction of the football stadium at ul. Łazienkowska 1/3 in Warsaw to the 'Elite' standard for 30,830 seats, meeting the requirements regarding UEFA and Champions League tournament games. Polimex-Mostostal (Consortium leader) will execute the contract under a consortium with Baugesellschaft…