

On 12 July 2012, Polimex-Mostostal signed a contract for the design, supply, and construction of the installation for catalytic denitrification and dedusting of flue gas from boilers on a turnkey basis in the heat and power plant in the PKN ORLEN plant for Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. The net value of the contract is 379.032.024,66  PLN. The new installation will reduce nitrogen oxide emission and dust emission in the heat and power plant of the PKN ORLEN plant in Płock. It will serve seven existing boilers…
Polimex-Mostostal is completing a large-scale action plan whose goal is to increase the efficiency of operation, improve the financial liquidity, reduce the debt, and, finally, increase the results.   - A preliminary financing program for Polimex-Mostostal was created.  On the basis of the program, talks with all the financial creditors of the Company, including the banks and bond holders, have been started with the aim to negotiate new, prolonged deadlines for bond redemption and loan repayment - informs Konrad…
The construction industry, recently engaged in infrastructure projects which belong to public procurements financed by the state budget and EU funds, nowadays undergoes financial difficulties. The main reasons behind this situation are: -  the exclusion from the contracts the option to adjust contractual prices to follow changes in prices of e.g. construction materials, fuel and power supply. -  long payment due dates for works performed. -  lowest bid price as the only criterion for selecting the contractor, -  …
The consortium consisting of: -   ZRUG Sp. z o.o. (The Leader), -   Polimex-Mostostal SA (the Partner) on 19 June 2012 concluded a contract with Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. to build the DN700 gas pipeline Szczecin - Lwówek, Phase I pipeline DN700 Szczecin - Gorzow Wielkopolski, Phase II pipeline DN700 Gorzów Wielkopolski - Lwówek.  The value of the contract: PLN 268 705 800 gross (net PLN: 218 460 000), Polimex-Mostostal participation amounting to 17,85% i.e. PLN 47 970 000 gross (net PLN: 39 000 000…
The Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. was notified that the bid for the construction of coal-fired power unit for supercritical parameters of net electric power of min. 900 MWe, max. 1000 Mwe in Kozienice Power Station Public Limited Company, was chosen by the Employer as the most advantageous.  The Employer is Kozienice Power Station Public Limited Company The tender was submitted by a consortium consisting of: Hitachi Power Europe GmbH - the leader, Polimex-Mostostal – the partner. The value of the net offer is 5,…
The Board of Polimex-Mostostal SA was notified that the bid for the design and modernization of E75 railway line Rail Baltica Warsaw - Bialystok - the border with Lithuania, stage I, Warsaw Rembertów - Zielonka - Tłuszcz (Sadowne) section has been selected by the Employer as the most advantageous. The Employer is the PKP Polish Railway Lines SA The tender was submitted by a consortium consisting of: TORPOL S.A. (the Leader, wholly-owned by Polimex-Mostostal), Polimex-Mostostal, INTERCOR Sp. z o.o. (Technical…
Polimex-Mostostal ended the 1st quarter of 2012 with the following consolidated results: -  revenue from sales amounted to PLN 1,030 million – increase by 17 % in relation to the 1st quarter of the previous year, -    net profit reached PLN 17 million – increase by 41.7% in relation to the 1st quarter of the previous year) -  operating profit amounted to PLN 43 million – increase by 43.3 % in relation to the 1st quarter of the previous year, -   net profit margin reached 1.7 per cent against 1.4 per cent in the…
With reference to the press release of 24 February 2012 on obtaining by Polimex-Mostostal an order worth PLN 75 million for the construction, as a general contractor, of a wind farm ‘Parki Wiatrowe Wysoka 1 oraz Wysoka 2’ (‘Wysoka 1 and Wysoka 2 Wind Parks’), we inform that the Ordering Party, i.e. E.ON Energie Odnawialne Sp. z o.o. withdrew from signing a contract for the execution of this project with Polimex-Mostostal.
On 08.03.2012 Polimex-Mostostal concluded a contract with BRISTA 2 KB (AB FORTUM VÄRME SAMÄGT MED STOCKHOLMS STAD) for the delivery and installation of a steel structure as well as wall and roof enclosures on the structures of a new power unit at CHP Brista Power Plant, Project Brista 2, Märsta, Sweden. Contract gross value amounts to approx. PLN 48.5 million. Completion period: March 2012 – May 2013.
Today, i.e. on 5 March 2012, the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal received from the Ordering Party, i.e. Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich in Cracow, information on the selection of the bid made by the Company as the most advantageous one. The subject matter of the bid is the execution of the Ring road of Gdów – STAGE I within the course of voivodeship road no. 967 in the Małopolskie Voivodeship, poviat of Wieliczka, gmina of Gdów. Bid gross value: PLN 29,683,603.53 (twenty-nine million, six hundred and eighty-three…