

Reduced financial expenses by 65% in the first half of 2014, as compared to the first half of 2013 Decrease in general and administrative expenses by over 20% in the first half of 2014, as compared to the first half of 2013 Expected further reduction of indirect costs Negative impact of one-off events on financial results General and administrative expenses have been significantly reduced (a decrease from approx. PLN 60.5 million to approx. PLN 46 million) and financial costs (down from approx. PLN 84 million to…
On the fifth of September, first cars were going on the "small" bypass. The new road brings transit truck outside the city limits.  The Swidnica bypass joined the national road No. 35 (Wroclaw, Walbrzych) in Słotwin wand the provincial road No. 382 in the direction of Strzegom and with Swidnica connection to A-4, through the Solidarity roundabout. Swidnica has not had any bypass and traffic used: provincial road No. 382 and national road No. 35 through the city center. Vehicles on the city center streets were a…
At the construction site of the ultramodern Energy Block in Kozienice implemented by Polimex-Mostostal, works on the construction of the boiler entered into their crucial phase. Thanks to the very good organization of the construction and implementation of high standards of health and safety, there has been no accident on the site for one million hours worked.   Polimex-Mostostal currently has two key contracts in the Polish energy sector, being the construction of the power block in the Kozienice Power Plant,…
On 8 August, the Board of Polimex-Mostostal SA was informed of rulings issued by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, the Economic Court, X Economic Division for Bankruptcy and reorganization, on redemption of pending insolvency proceedings and cancellation of preserving company assets in the form of establishing a temporary court supervisor, in particular:   ·        redemption of bankruptcy proceedings as a result of withdrawal by PHU Plast-Bud, Mr. Zdzisław Sówka, his application for bankruptcy…
On 30 July 2014 Polimex-Mostostal concluded negotiations and signed an annex to the restructuring agreement with creditors dated 21 December 2012, specifying conditions for continued financial and organizational restructuring of the company. The shareholders of the company, during the Extraordinary General Meeting on 31 July 2014 adopted resolutions approving the findings contained in the annex. The Company signed the annex, among others, with the following banks: PKO BP, Pekao SA, BOS, BZ WBK, and institutions…
The road is open from August 3, 2014. Thanks to the deployed technology, it meets the highest quality standards.  Modern compact asphalt technology was used involving bilayer surface arrangement of drainage structure. Such a surface effectively drains rainwater onto roadsides (water flows inside the layers of asphalt) and reduces the noise caused by wheels of vehicles.   The length of the Gdów bypass is 2.676 km. The investor is the Provincial Road Management in Cracow. The contract value amounts to PLN 24.13…
Please be informed that, with effect from 1 July 2014, the registered address of Polimex - Mostostal S.A. (the former 15/17 Czackiego Street) has been changed to: 42 Młynarska Street, 01-171 Warsaw.  Therefore, please send all correspondence and shipping to our new address. The new address of the company should also be placed on such documents as invoices, as issued from 1 July 2014. Please also note that our phone numbers, tax identification number (NIP), business identification number (REGON), bank accounts, as…
June 23, 2014, Polimex-Mostostal signed a preliminary agreement with creditors, specifying the conditions and stages of the financial restructuring of the company - the so-called Term Sheet, which provides, inter alia, issuance of bonds, conversion of the debt of the company into shares, launching guarantee lines and postponement of other  liabilities.    The Company has entered into an agreement, inter alia, with such banks as PKO BP, Pekao SA, BOŚ, BZ WBK, and institutions representing bondholders. The Parties…
Polimex-Mostostal signed a new Corporate Collective Labor Agreement with the trade unions and has entered into an agreement ending a labor dispute with the trade  unions. For several months, the company's management has been involved in intense negotiations with trade unions aimed at agreeing the provisions of the new Corporate Collective Labor Agreement (CCLA).  As a result of these discussions, the board finally agreed and signed the new Corporate Collective Labor Agreement on 23 June.   - The new provisions of…
In the first quarter of 2014 Polimex-Mostostal continued corrective actions, realizing the program of financial and operational restructuring and conducted ongoing operations. Negotiations with creditors   - Talks with creditors are ongoing, they bring us closer to a solution acceptable to all parties. Arrangements are to allow the company to be back on the market through the access to guarantee lines that enable the acquisition of new contracts. The Management Board expects the agreement with creditors to be…