

  On June 22nd, "Polimex-Mostostal” SA and "GE Power" Sp. z o.o. signed a letter of intent with respect to the construction of Ostrołęka C, a power plant with a capacity of approx. 1,000 MW, enough power for 300,000 Polish homes. Both companies have agreed that GE Power Sp. will to subcontract for one or more of the following scopes : construction work, delivery of steel structures and assembly of steel structures to Polimex-Mostostal S.A. The two companies may also partner in the area of: project work and other…
  The Supervisory Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA adopted a resolution on appointing Mr. Krzysztof Figat to the Management Board, entrusting him with the function of President of the Management Board as of 11 May 2018. As of 11 May 2018 the Management Board of „Polimex-Mostostal” SA will be composed of the following members: Krzysztof Figat – President of the Management Board, Maciej Korniluk - Vice President, CFO, Przemysław Janiszewski – Vice President, COO. - “I am very happy to have the trust of the…
  "Polimex-Mostostal" SA as the Consortium Leader has made a decision not to appeal against the selection by Elektrownia Ostrołęka of a general contractor for the construction of Ostrołęka C 1000 MW power plant. Further to Rafako S.A.’s press release published on 16 April 2018, Polimex-Mostostal S.A.’s Management Board announces that, following a detailed analysis of the tender documents related to the settlement of the tender proceedings and selection of GE Power and Alstom Power System by ElektrowniaOstrołęka as…