Quality of services

In Naftoremont-Naftobudowa we apply the certified Integrated Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Management System.
Naftoremont-Naftobudowa sp. z o.o. operates in a manner that ensures safe and hygienic working conditions, minimizes risk to human health, meets the requirements of environmental protection and prevents material losses.
Safety Checklist for Contractors (SCC) is a standard adopted for the assessment of safety management systems.
- Naftoremont and Naftobudowa are recognized and well established brands on the European market.
- For 50 years we have participated in the construction, development and maintenance of Polish and foreign refineries implementing projects for the chemical and petrochemical industries.
- We build long-standing business relations with our Clients, as evidenced by a number of references and renewed cooperation on newly acquired projects.
- We work based on an efficient management tool, the Integrated Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Management System, which has been adopted in compliance with the ISO standards.
- The high quality of our products and services has been confirmed by various Certificates such as PED and SCC.
- The contracts implemented by us are based on solid project management processes (PMI) and are in line with the expectations of our Clients.
- We offer comprehensive services including non-destructive testing (NDT).
- We have gained our know-how and our experience through the implementation of numerous long-term projects both in Poland and abroad.
- Our highly qualified technical personnel are well able to resolve complex issues at every stage of the project, starting from the design, through the implementation to the project completion.
- We have expertise in the implementation of non-standard and technically complex projects, which we execute in accordance with the Client’s requirements.
At the end of 2021, the TUV Thuringen e. v. recertification audit took place in the field of Section VIII, Division 1 with an extension to assembly works, which ended with a positive result. The obtained ASME Certificate gives the company the references needed to take part in tenders and execute orders for reputable companies, conducting prefabrication, assembly and renovation works. These include BASF, LOTOS S.A., PERN S.A., Gunvor Petroleum Rotterdam, BP, TOTAL and others.
- ISO 9001:2015 PL dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 9001:2015 ENG dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 9001:2015 DE dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 14001:2015 PL dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 14001:2015 ENG dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 14001:2015 DE dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 45001:2018 PL dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 45001:2018 ENG dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- ISO 45001:2018 DE dla Naftoremont- Naftobudowa Płock
- Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control - Naftoremont-Naftobudowa Sp. z o. o. - structural metallic products and ancillaries, steel structural components in execution classes: EXC1, EXC2, EXC3 acc. to PN-EN 1090-2:2018-09 IDT EN 1090-2:2018, method 3a acc. to Annex A to PN-EN 1090-1+A1:2012 IDT EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011
- Employee-frieldly Employer Certificate
- Cerificate SCC P EN
- Certificate EN ISO 3834-2:2005 EN
- Certificate EN ISO 3834-2:2005 DE
- Certificate EN ISO 3834-2:2005 PL
- PN-EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System
- PN-EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management
- PN-EN 18001 Management of Occupational Health and Safety
- BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management
- VCA / SCC certificate, Petro level - Checklist of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
- FPC - Factory Production Control PN-EN 1090-1+A1, a system of attestation of the conformity of production of 2+ steel structures (certified by Dekra Certification Sp. z o. o. and UDT qualifications)
- Lithuanian SPCS Certificate - Teises pripazinimo dokumentas - Naftoremnt-Naftobudowa Sp. z o. o.
- IS Gliwice qualification certificate - according to PN-M-69009
- Certificate of subcontractors - UDT: NR LB - 015/18 license
- Certificate of Approval for Nondestructive Testing Laboratory - license UDT: NR LB – 015/18
- UDT qualifications in the scope of modernization
- UDT qualifications in the scope of carrying out repairs
- UDT qualifications in the scope of manufacturing
- UDT qualifications in the scope of performing maintenance of safety valves