The companies within Polimex Mostostal Capital Group have specialized and broad competencies in the scope of investment, modernization and renovation for the petrochemical, refinery and chemical industries, as well as for the oil and gas industry and for the storage of oil and gas.
The Group’s goal is to provide specialized services for the development of industry in Poland and in Europe by ensuring a high and stable level of the quality of performed works.
The scope of services offered by Polimex Mostostal includes, inter alia, the design, purchase and delivery of materials, prefabrication, assembly of equipment and installations, commissioning and handover for operation, service and maintenance, renovation / modernization and expansion of industrial installations.
Polimex Mostostal specializes in turnkey investment projects implemented in the formula of the General Contractor or in the EPC formula in the scope of construction of storage tanks, industrial installations, terminals and transshipment ports or fuel pipelines.
A key segment of the Group’s activity in the refinery and petrochemical industries are repair services during the system shut-downs, the so-called “turn-arounds”, which require considerable effort and commitment of the workforce under time pressure. Polimex Mostostal S.A. has proven its capabilities in handling such challenging assignments both in Poland and abroad.
Polimex Mostostal Capital Group manufactures furnaces and process heaters. The Company’s offer includes assembly and commissioning at a location indicated by the Client.
Polimex Mostostal has earned the trust of major domestic and international clients from the industry, such as PKN Orlen, Lotos Group S.A., Total, NESTE, APS, TECHNIP and others through the work of our long-standing personnel who have accumulated their experience on the construction sites in Poland, across Western Europe and in the Middle East.
The execution of supplies and services in the petrochemical, refinery, chemical and gas industries is a complex undertaking that requires compliance with highly restrictive regulations in terms of safety and organization of work, as well as adherence to quality standards and location-specific norms. All these requirements are fulfilled by the teams of Polimex Mostostal, as indicated by the granted technical approval certificates, quality certificates and references from the Clients.
The Group’s operations in the field of oil, gas and chemicals are managed by Naftoremont-Naftobudowa Sp. z o.o.