Symbolic corner stone laying ceremony of a new CCGT at Ec Żeran (Heat and Power Plant)

On Wednesday, 25 October 2017, a symbolic corner stone laying ceremony of a new CCGT at Ec Żeran (Heat and Power Plant), which will be the most modern combined cycle unit in Poland, was held.
The new gas and steam unit for PGNiG TERMIKA’s Żeran Heat and Power Plant, currently under construction, is a strategic investment for the Warsaw metropolitan area and the third Polimex-Mostostal’s strategic energy project for the Polish energy sector.
The project will be implemented by a consortium of "Polimex-Mostostal" S.A., Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe GmbH, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd. and Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe Ltd.
An agreement between the Consortium and PGNiG TERMIKA was signed in June 2017 and it includes delivery and erection of a combined cycle (gas and steam) heat and power plant with electrical power output of 420 MWe to 490 MWe NET, and the maximum thermal power output of 326 MWt.
The scope of works to be carried out by Polimex-Mostostal is primarily preparation of basic engineering, detail engineering (in Polimex-Mostostal’s scope), and building permit update design, as well as execution of all civil works. Polimex-Mostostal’s scope also includes supply and installation of all BOP (Balance of Plant) systems, as well as HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) and gas turbine erection.
Polimex-Mostostal also organizes and manages construction site at Ec Żerań.
“We’re glad that through the implementation of this project we will contribute to improving the energy security of the Warsaw metropolitan area and improve the air quality for its inhabitants.
Our know-how and unique, many years of experience, in connection with professional technological support of Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems is a guarantee that the investment will be a joint success story.”
– says Andrzej Juszczyński vice-president of "Polimex-Mostostal" S.A.’s management board.
The investment will be carried out in the period from 2017 to 2020 and will be implemented in the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) formula.
The value of the contract for the delivery and erection of a CCGT at Ec Żerań is PLN 982.11 million and EUR 111.93 million, with PLN 381.3 million for Polimex Mostostal's share.
Along with the contract, a 6-year long-term service agreement was signed.
Its cost is not included in the budget of the investment project.
"We have a professional, well-qualified personnel, unique experience in the EPC projects, many references and manufacturing potential which makes us a trustworthy partner, able to face up to the challenge presented by such a demanding project, namely CCGT erection for our capital city.”
– added Przemysław Janiszewski vice-president of "Polimex-Mostostal" S.A.’s management board.