

PGE Energia Ciepła and the Polimex Energetyka, Polimex Mostostal consortium signed a contract on 25 October for the construction of new power generating units - including a cogeneration source at the Bydgoszcz II CHP plant. This investment is one of many currently underway in the PGE Group as part of the decarbonisation of the district heating sector. As part of the signed contract, the consortium of Polimex Energetyka and Polimex Mostostal will design and build a gas-fuelled cogeneration source with a capacity…
On 20 October this year, in the presence of representatives of local authorities, the foundation stone laying ceremony for the construction of a gas-fired boiler house at the PGE Energia Ciepła Branch CHP plant in Rzeszów took place. This investment is one of many currently being carried out by Polimex Mostostal for the PGE Group with the aim of decarbonising the district heating sector. Currently, 80% of the fuel used to produce heat and electricity at the Rzeszów CHP plant is natural gas. Approximately 14% of…
Following the selection of the bid from the Polimex Energetyka sp. z o.o. consortium (Consortium leader) and Polimex Mostostal S.A. (consortium partner) by PGE EC S.A. in a tender procedure, the companies signed an agreement for the turnkey construction of a gas-fuelled cogeneration source with a capacity of min. 50 MWe based on gas engines and a standby/peak heat source at PGE EC S.A. CHP Branch in Bydgoszcz. The subject of the EPC Contract is the Contractor's execution of the design, construction and…
The foundation of the steam turbine at the construction site of the New Czechnica Combined Heat and Power Plant is ready. Installation of the first pieces of process equipment including the four peaking and reserve boilers begins. The construction of a gas-fired combined heat and power plant in Siechnice near Wrocław is a priority investment by Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA S.A., part of the PGE Energia Ciepła Group. Work on the New Czechnica Combined Heat and Power Plant has been underway for…
On 2 September this year, Polimex Mostostal Group company Polimex Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. joined the Cooperation Agreement for the Development of the Photovoltaics Sector, which was signed on 16 December 2021 by representatives of the government administration and stakeholders of the solar energy sector in Poland. The parties to the Agreement are representatives of the government administration: Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and…
Polimex Mostostal Capital Group has summarised its results for the first two quarters of this year. Polimex Mostostal Group's results for the first six months of 2022 are very positive and significantly better than the results of the corresponding period of 2021. Despite the still difficult market situation and the problems in the European economy resulting from the war in Ukraine, the consolidated revenues of the Polimex Mostostal Group in H1 2022 reached PLN 1 904 million and are higher than the operating…
on 9 August this year, a company from the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group - Polimex Budownictwo - signed a contract with PGE Energia Odnawialna S.A., a company belonging to the PGE Capital Group, the largest domestic producer of electricity from renewable sources, for the design and construction of a PV Krotoszyn photovoltaic installation with a capacity of up to 5 MW.   The investment, carried out by Polimex Budownictwo under the EPC formula, includes comprehensive turnkey implementation of the PV Krotoszyn…
  On 21 June 2022 in Płock, an agreement was concluded between PERN S.A., based in Płock, and a consortium of companies: Naftoremont-Naftobudowa sp. z o.o. and Przedsiębiorstwo Agat S.A. for the construction of three storage tanks with a capacity of 32,000 m3 each for petroleum products of class III together with the accompanying infrastructure at the Fuel Depot No. 4 in Rejowiec. For the completion of the Task, the Contractor will receive a lump sum remuneration of PLN 113,569,000 net, of which PLN 69,569,000 net…
  On April 25th 2022, during a ceremony at the Residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Warsaw, in the presence of the Ambassador Mark Brzezinski and top management of Bechtel Corporation and #Westinghouse, Mr. Krzysztof Figat - President of the Management Board and Mr. Maciej Korniluk Vice-President of the Management Board of Polimex Mostostal S.A. signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) on the potential construction of two new nuclear power plants. "Construction of these power plants would require Polish expertise…
  Polimex Mostostal Capital Group presents annual financial results. Polimex Mostostal Capital Group's operating income for 2021 amounted to PLN 2,304 million and are higher by PLN 689 million as compared to those for the year 2020.  EBITDA of the Capital Group for 2021 amounted to PLN 164 million and is higher by PLN 37 million as compared to the result from the previous year. The Group's net result for 2021 in the amount of PLN 87 million is higher by PLN 24 million than the result for 2020 and represents 3.8%…