New member of Polimex-Mostostal’s supervisory board

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Polimex-Mostostal’s shareholders has appointed Andrzej Józef Kania member of Polimex-Mostostal’s supervisory board.
For many years Mr. Kania has been associated with the fuel and energy sector as a manager, member of several supervisory boards and adviser to the Minister.
From May of this year, Mr. Kania has served as a member of the management board in charge of technical issues at Biuro Studiów i Projektów Gazownictwa GAZOPROJEKT S.A. (Office of Gas Industry Studies and Designs).
He is an expert that combines professional technical competences with knowledge of business administration, economics and finance in the fuel and energy as well as technical infrastructure construction sectors.
He has extensive experience in managing large-scale and high-risk investment projects.
He held high management positions in the area of investment assessment and implementation, among others, a strategic fuel storage company OLPP as well as the Center for Investment Implementation at PKP PLK. Mr. Kania has gained his professional experience working as a high-level executive at PGNiG S.A., Polish Electricity Committee in Warsaw, PKP PLK S.A. in Warsaw, and OLPP Sp. z o.o. iIn Płock (Liquid Fuels Logistics Operator). He has gained knowledge in the area of administration while performing managerial functions in the Energy Department of the Ministry of the Economy and the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) in Warsaw.
Mr. Andrew Kania completed his Ph.D. studies at the Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej (College of World Economy) at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). He is a graduate of the National School of Public Administration (KSAP) in Warsaw. He holds a Master of Science degree in organic chemistry and technology of the Rzeszów University of Technology.
Mr. Kania sat on the supervisory boards of many companies. He replaces Ms. Marta Zygmunt, who resigned, as member of Polimex-Mostostal’s supervisory board member.
Currently, Polimex-Mostostal’s supervisory board is composed, as follows: Wojciech Kowalczyk, Chairman; Bartłomiej Kurkus, Vice-Chairman, Andrzej Sokolewicz, Secretary; and the following members: Andrzej Komarowski, Andrzej Kania, Paweł Mazurkiewicz, Konrad Milczarski.