New Member of the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A.

The Supervisory Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA adopted a resolution on appointing Mr. Maciej Korniluk to the Management Board, entrusting him with the function of Vice President of the Management Board as of 8 January 2018.
New Member of the Management Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA.
The new Member of the Management Board was appointed for a three-year joint term. He will be responsible for overseeing the finances of Polimex Mostostal Capital Group.
As of 8 January 2018 the Management Board of "Polimex-Mostostal" SA is composed of the following members:
Antoni Józwowicz – President of the Board, CEO
Maciej Korniluk - Vice President, CFO
Przemysław Janiszewski – Vice President, COO
- “It is very important for us that the new member of the Polimex Mostostal Management Board is not only an expert
in his field, but also knows the Company well. We have placed the supervision of Polimex Mostostal Capital Group’s finances in good hands.” said Antoni Józwowicz President of Polimex-Mostostal Management Board.
- “I am very pleased to have joined the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal. The task entrusted to me, including first of all the management of the finances of the largest construction company in Poland, is for me a great responsibility and challenge. I will do my utmost to achieve the goals set before me.” commented Maciej Korniluk, the newly-appointed Vice President of Polimex-Mostostal Management Board.
Mr. Maciej Korniluk, the newly-appointed Vice President of Polimex-Mostostal Management Board is an experienced business manager
and a statutory auditor with many years of professional experience in Poland and abroad. He is an expert in the field of mergers, acquisitions and business finance, in general. Prior to his appointment to Polimex-Mostostal’s Management Board he was linked to the company as head of Polimex-Mostostal’s Development Plan Advisory Team and member of the Investors’ Committee.
His most recent position was deputy director in the Department of Mergers and Acquisitions at PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. Mr. Korniluk was invovled, among others, in the recapitalization process of the Polska Grupa Górnicza and Polimex-Mostostal, and also the acquisition of EDF’s assets in Poland.
For many years he also held executive positions at PwC’s audit department
in Poland and in the US. In the years 2004-2008 he worked in the audit department at Roedl&Partner in Poland.
Mr. Korniluk is a graduate of the Finance and Banking Department at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and is a certified statutory auditor.
He replaces Mr. Andrzej Juszczyński, who on 2 January 2018 resigned from the post of CFO, Vice President of Polimex-Mostostal S.A.’s Management Board.